Electric Charge Symbol

EV or electric vehicle charging points are quickly becoming an essential addition to businesses up and down the country. As the landscape of vehicles is changing and moving toward a greener, more environmentally friendly future, the likelihood is that we will begin to see the ownership of electric vehicles increase. What this means for you, […]

Darren Robinson Photography

In December 2020, the UK government updated its Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS), wherein they help businesses with the costs of purchasing and installing charging equipment for electric vehicles. This will be paid out in the form of a voucher worth 75% of the total cost of purchasing and completing the installation, capped to a minimum […]

Electric Smart Car being charged

Over the past few years, a demand for electric vehicles has increased. While there’s no doubt that their use of electricity, rather than petrol, makes them a more environment-friendly way of getting around, there can be a challenge to locate a suitable charging point when the power starts running low. But what happens when you […]