Commercial EV Charger Installation: A Cost Consideration

With the UK business industry transitioning towards sustainable transportation, the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is surging. Businesses across the UK have accepted the importance of providing convenient and accessible EV charging facilities for staff, customers, and the future of the UK economy.

Commercial EV installation brings multiple benefits to UK businesses. The most prominent is customer attraction and retention from the many EV drivers currently on the roads. Another is increased foot traffic and revenue and a more prominent commitment to sustainability.

However, it is crucial to understand the costs associated with commercial EV charging installation Manchester. From installation costs to ongoing maintenance and operational expenses, there are various financial considerations when planning and budgeting a charging infrastructure.

At AMS Solutions, we are here to provide insight into key cost considerations for commercial EV charger installations in the Northwest.

Installation Costs

Commercial electric vehicle chargers cost between £1,500-2,000 per socket in the UK. The total expense of installation can stretch beyond this base figure.

With prices ranging over £2,000 amounts, the installation costs on EV charging points will vary depending on certain factors – including customer-specific requirements, property types, and charger manufacturers. Electric vehicles offer different charging speeds with their charging rate. The selection of the appropriate charging speed depends on the specifics of the company.

For commercial Ev installation, the choice balances between fast and rapid chargers, but the cost will increase with the higher charging rates. DC chargers are considerably more expensive than a 22kW fast charger.

Charger Choices

Different manufacturers will factor into the equation with commercial installations. Some EV charging stations Manchester offer more advanced smart features, such as RFID card capabilities or LCD screens.

Cleaner, sleeker aesthetics also cost more than a no-frills counterpart. Naturally, the total cost of your installation increases as you add more EV charging facilities based on your business’s specific requirements. Larger corporations with extensive operations and higher charging demands may require an array of EV charging stations to cater to their fleet demand and employee charging requirements.

Most commercial premises have a three-phase electricity supply in place, but smaller businesses may only have a single-phase, which would require an upgrade to be able to handle charging rates above 22kW. These upgrades can also be time-consuming and costly to implement.

The cost of a commercial EV installation for businesses is approximately between £1,500-2,000 per socket, but as you can expect there will be factors that will affect the price. The best way to know upfront of the expected costs is by talking with the team at AMS Solutions today. We offer comprehensive power solutions Manchester and handle the entire process from start to finish.

EV charging facilities

Commercial EV Charger Installation: A Cost Consideration


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