EV charging and schools

You can’t really go anywhere in recent days without seeing EV charging stations popping up. Whether it’s a drive-thru or a place of work, the impact of electric vehicles is huge, which goes to show just how popular a vehicle they have become. However, school EV charging points tend to be one place neglected most. This is surprising to most EV owners, as the majority of owners report to have children. According to Forbes nearly 44% of all EV owners have at least one child. So, school drop-offs and pick-ups would be an opportune time to relax and re-charge, both yourself and your EV!

Recent government developments

It’s a welcomed development within the EV world, which we’re pleased to announce. Very recently, the UK government have announced a grant for EV chargers to be placed within school grounds. 2024 really does seem to be the year for the EV switch and with the government enabling this, it goes to show that the future for motoring really is EV.

Schools and beyond

As well as state-funded schools being aided with grants for EV charging ports, the government also included the following places within education that will also be beneficiaries of the scheme:

  • Colleges
  • Nurseries
  • Academies
  • More funding within councils on the whole
  • Independent schools may apply for the funding

The EV scheme is being implemented by the Department for Transport (DfT) Each place of work will be able to claim 75% of the costs towards the ports, which is a significant improvement on the previous offer. This would enable them to claim up to £2,500 per charging port, which previously stood at £350. Such a significant investment will benefit many families, who may have struggled to juggle charging times with school drop offs, etc.

Other revenue streams for schools?

Another interesting possibility with the roll-out scheme could mean schools also benefit financially from the plan. Government ministers have suggested that schools could generate additional revenue by allowing members of the public to use their charging posts, for a fee.

Baroness Barran described it as an “exciting opportunity,” as schools will be contributing to a greener infrastructure.

‘Plan for Drivers’ – The acceleration of EV

Only announced earlier this month, the plan also hopes to accelerate the use and accessibility of EV to as many drivers as possible. The clear benefits of driving an EV are becoming vastly well-known, especially with such an obvious emphasis on being eco-friendly.

As part of the acceleration plan, the UK government is also promising £381 million levi funding to local authorities throughout the country as a whole.  This is to install thousands of new charging ports, which in time will spread right across the country, as part of their roll-out scheme.

Playing your part in the EV switch

As of the start of 2024, nearly 20% of all new cars sold were EV. This is an ever-growing figure, which is inevitably set to continue to rise. The more tradition fuel consumption cars have had their day and it is now time for the EV to move to the forefront of motoring.

If you’re considering the switch to an EV or considering EV charging installation within your workplace or home, feel free to contact one of our friendly team at AMS Solutions today. As well as EV charging installations, we’re also experts in renewable solar energy and are more than happy to chat about how we can help you

school EV charging points

EV charging and schools


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