What Will Fail an Electrical Test?

We need electricity if we are running a business. That stands no matter if you run a small to medium-sized business or a large corporation. No business can successfully run without lighting, heating or internet capability.

When we run on electricity, we also have to ensure that the electrical supplies within our business are safe. As electricity is a powerful energy source, it can also be a greater risk when in unstable states or environments – one that can result in substantial damage to your business and potential fatality to you, employees or visitors.

That is why professional electrical testing Manchester is of crucial importance.

Types of Testing

Electrical testing is not optional if you own a business or run a residential building. It is a legal requirement to demonstrate that all electrical systems are safe. That is achieved through electrical testing.

An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is a report that analyses your business’s electrical and wiring systems as a first step in your H&S compliance. A registered electrician service will conduct a visual assessment to highlight any visual system damage before dead testing wires, investigating failsafe systems and earthing and bonding checks. Once this process displays compliance with regulations, you will be issued your EICR.

Portable appliance testing (PAT) involves testing individual electrical items and devices (kettles, computers etc.) to identify any faults that could lead to bigger electrical problems or health risks. Although not a legal requirement, these tests involve checking all plugs, sockets, cables and appliances powered by the building’s electrical supply to keep your business safe. When all of the items pass continuity, insulation and lead polarity testing, you will receive confirmation that they are safe from the electrical testing provider Manchester.

EICR will only require completion every five years, whilst PAT should be conducted on equipment every four years. Extension leads and portable devices require testing at least every two years.

What Would Fail This Testing?

Professional electrical testing in Manchester is comprehensive, so the electrical supply needs to be in excellent shape to pass them. Traditional problems that will fail these tests are risks to be aware of.

When you overload your electrical equipment or supply, it will fail your tests. Most tests bring back a lack of adequate earthing or bonding and damaged plugs and sockets are some of the most common failures during testing.

Areas that indicate fire or electrical risks – such as split wiring, poorly completed electrical installation and incorrect use of electrical appliances will put you in the fail category, as well as incorrect fusing within your appliances.

We cannot stress how essential electrical testing is for your business and property. Making a regular testing schedule with AMS Solutions gives you peace of mind and ensures you stay compliant with your legal requirements.

Contact the team at AMS Solutions today for professional and certified electrical testing specialists in the Manchester area.

19.06.23 Ams

What Will Fail an Electrical Test?


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